Friday, November 4, 2022


November 4, 2022
You have the Power to Change Your Future
TAMACC has partnered with Hispanic actors and social media influencers to drive up Hispanic voter turnout among younger voters, who are traditionally the lowest-performing voters nationwide. In the below Public Service Announcement April Hernandez-Castillo encourages Latinos to Vote.
Vote early and avoid the long lines on Election Day
To find out where to vote, visit
TAMACC | (512) 444-5727 | E-mail | Website | Podcast

Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

TAMACC and Texas Mutual Insurance Company Wish You and Yours a Happy and Safe Halloween

Halloween is one the most popular holidays in this country, hordes of little superheroes, and cartoon and television characters will soon be out in our neighborhoods tonight for trick-or-treat fun.

Keep in mind that Halloween is also one of the most dangerous holidays of the year for children. On average in the US, there are about 2.6 child pedestrian fatalities per day. But, on Halloween, this jumps to 5.5 fatalities. Kids ages 12-15 are at greater risk.

1. Trick-or-treaters need to see and be seen.

- Use face makeup instead of masks which makes seeing difficult.

- Give trick-or-treaters a flashlight to light their way.

- Add reflective tape to costumes and trick-or-treat bags.

- Have everyone wear light-colored clothing.

2. Use flame-resistant costumes.

3. Make sure adults know where the kids are going. A parent or responsible adult should accompany young children door-to-door.

4. Be cautious around animals, especially dogs.

5. Walk, don’t run.

6. Only visit homes that have a porch light on. Accept treats at the door – never go inside.

7. Walk only on the sidewalks, not in the street.

- If no sidewalk is available, walk at the edge of the roadway, facing traffic.

- Look both ways before crossing the street, and cross only at the corner.

- Don’t cut across yards or use alleys.

- Don’t cross between parked cars.

- Drivers – use extra caution. The youngsters may forget to look both ways before crossing.

8. A grown-up should check the goodies before eating.

- Make sure to remove loose candy, open packages, and choking hazards.

- Discard any items with brand names that you are not familiar with.

If you are planning to welcome trick-or-treaters to your home, follow these safety steps:

1. Light the area well so young visitors can see.

2. Sweep leaves from your sidewalks and steps. Clear your porch or front yard of obstacles someone could trip over.

Safety Tip Source: American Red Cross

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