Are you a small business owner, manager, or employee in Texas from an organization owned or managed by a leader from an underrepresented or marginalized group (people of color, people with disabilities, LGBTQ+ people, women, etc.)? Would you like to discuss your experiences in a confidential research Zoom or phone interview about leadership and work in a small business during the COVID-19 pandemic? Would you like to talk about your experiences as a Hispanic small business leader or employee?
If so, researchers from Texas State University's Department of Communication would like to hear about your experiences by completing a 10-minute survey. The survey is used to select participants for a follow-up drawing activity and a 70-minute phone or zoom interview. If selected, upon completion of the drawing activity and interview, you will receive a $25 gift card via email.
To learn more information, please check out our flyer, or go to our survey link: When responding to the survey, please list that you learned about the survey from a listserv via Dr. Eger so we can read your response faster. Any questions? Please email Dr. Eger at Please share with your networks too! We look forward to hearing from you. |