Monday, February 11, 2019

False Portrayal of Crime in Texas-Mexico Border Cities

BUDA, TEXAS, February 11, 2019 - It is a sad state of affairs! Texas-Mexico border communities are being decimated, slandered and defamed by political rhetoric intentionally trying to portray danger and crime that is nonexistent. It is disgraceful, that the facts are intentionally being distorted, in a transparent attempt to create an imaginary crisis along the Texas-Mexico border.
The false portrayal of crime in Texas border cities is damaging and adversely affecting tourism, the economy, business development and business relocation to these cities.
Multiple sources, surveys and crime statics show a preponderance of evidence that the Texas-Mexico border cities of El Paso and McAllen are in the top ten safest cities in the country and have been for over a decade.
The blanket of safety covering these cities is not due to a Wall. It is due to the integrity of the communities, their people and leadership. These communities have always been considered a good place to live, raise a family, educate children and pursue business opportunities.
The onslaught of false and malicious rhetoric to justify a needless Wall is seriously threatening, and deeply damaging, the very fabric of the communities along the Texas-Mexico border. This false narrative must stop, or risk causing irreparable harm now, and for the future of our border communities, the State of Texas and for our nation.
Therefore, the Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of Commerce (TAMACC), and member Chambers throughout the State of Texas, stand in support and solidarity with the Chambers of Commerce in our border cities in their efforts to mitigate and avoid needless damage and harm caused by false allegations.
The Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of Commerce (TAMACC) is a nonprofit 501 (c)(6) organization created to promote business leadership, create economic opportunities and provide legislative advocacy for the Hispanic business community in Texas. TAMACC was founded in 1975 to encourage opportunities in commerce and to organize local programs to improve the economic condition of the Hispanic population. TAMACC is an association with more than 15,000 members and advocates for over 700,000 Hispanic businesses in Texas.

Media Contact:
Pauline E. Anton, President & CEO
(512) 444-5727