Holiday Inn
2801 Jay Road
Seguin, Texas 78155
Holiday Inn Conference Room
9:00 AM Breakfast: Sponsored by Superior Cakes and Bakery, they will provide pastry and fruit.
10:00 AM – 11:15 AM Can Your Customers Find Your Web Site – How to Rank Your Web Site Higher in the Search Engines: Rob Oskins, Blue Crest Media, will walk the attendees through the process needed to ensure your customers can locate your business or organization on search engines. There will be three areas he will cover in this workshop which includes the NAP: Name, Address and Phone; Your Web Site’s Structure; and the importance of links on your Web Site. Bring your lap top or tablet to view your Web Site during this interactive workshop that everyone that relies on their Web Site should know.
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Prepare for The Unthinkable – An Active Shooter at Your Event or Business: Bo Kidd, Buda Chief of Police, is an expert facilitator in this incredibly important and unfortunately timely concern. Would you know what to do if an active shooter was at your place of business or at an event? Chief Kidd will be teaching Citizens Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) to workshop attendees.
12:45 AM – 1:30 PM Lunch Break
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM Growth and Trends of the Hispanic Market in Texas: J.R. Gonzales, TAMACC Vice Chair, will share with you a closer look at the growing Hispanic population in Texas and other demographic trends. The information in this workshop will help participants better understand the current and future market place, workforce and needed business services in Texas. This workshop will also help Hispanic organizations how to better sell, promote and market organization’s memberships and sponsorships.
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM New 2018 Tax Laws How They Affect You and Your Business: Whenever there is a change in the Federal Tax Laws it affects our bottom line. Be sure to know which laws will affect you to plan accordingly. H&R Block will have a representative to answer these questions.
9:30 AM – 3:30 PM TAMACC Board of Directors’ Meeting